Special Ways to Remember Those We Have Loved & Lost
We've had this blog post sitting in the sidelines for a while now. We wanted to write it but it's such a sensitive subject we didn't know wether we should. We're not experts in any way on this subject. How a person grieves is entirely up to them.
We're so honoured that some people find comfort through the in memory pieces we make here at MW Studio. We receive a lot of messages from people that are going through such difficult times about what their piece means to them and we've become skilled at guiding people to find the right words for a piece to gift to someone.
This blog is about a few other ways to remember and celebrate loved ones we have lost. We hope some of you find it useful.
1. Choose a place where you can go to reflect on your memories with them.
This might be a place that you frequently visited together, or maybe just somewhere that they loved to go to while they were here. It could be that bar where you sang karaoke together, or the beach where they walked the dog. Wherever it is, allow yourself some time to reflect on the memories that you shared together. Additionally, if your place is a park or recreational ground you could contact your local council about arranging a public bench to honour their memory.
2. Plant a tree or flowers in memory of them.
Planting a tree or flowers in memory of a loved one is a beautiful way to see new life appear after they have gone. Visit the plants to connect with the departed and you might also find that the gardening will allow you to focus your mind on something else; a much needed distraction - a project in remembrance of somebody that you have loved and lost.
3. Create a virtual tribute.
Another very special way to reflect on the amazing life of the person you have lost is to set up an online space where the people who knew and loved them can come to share their memories of them. This reminds you that you're not alone in missing them and ensures that there is an online space where you can all go to support each other's journey through grief. Perhaps create a remembrance page on Facebook or check out Age UK's Tribute Fund website, where site visitors can share photos and memories as well as making donations.
4. Give to a charity that they were passionate about or involved with in their life.
On the subject of making donations, giving to a charity that was close to their heart is a lasting way to make a difference in the name of your loved one. You could choose a cause that they were passionate about, or the charities that helped them during their time of need. Perhaps arrange a coffee morning, cake sale or run a marathon to fundraise. There are lots of ways to raise money and if you're stuck for ideas, have a search on the website of the charity that you have chosen. Similarly, making a one-off payment or donation to a charity is just as meaningful.
5. Hang one of our decorations in memory of them.
Last but not least, why not treat yourself to a sentimental gift in memory of your loved one, like one of our hanging decorations? Our most popular items are the Angel Wing Decoration or the Star Decoration. We have a memorial section on our website full of beautiful, personalised items in memory of the ones we have loved and lost. Other popular items for grieving/bereavement are the Always With You and our Photo Keyrings.
If any of these suggestions don't feel right then none of them are right for you.
Mind can provide help and support via this link: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/bereavement/useful-contacts/
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